I quickly jotted this quote down though. Because this was my exact thoughts about how we can get the majority to vote YES on 29. Yes for cure. Yes for our children. Yes for future generations.
Did you know California has one of the strictest smoke-free laws in the United States?* Public smoking has been banned in all restaurants, bars and clubs. So, why is it that we cannot be victorious in this? We can.
This is our chance. We can change it if we want to. We know what is out there. We know the health risks associated with tobacco. We know we don't want our children near it. We know what a Yes vote will do. And maybe most of all, we want a cure for cancer. We just need to spread it. Please let everyone you know about Prop 29. It's not that difficult considering the world we live in. Tell them through your favorite social media of choice that you are voting YES. And why they should too:
a Yes vote on 29 will raise the cost of a pack of cigarettes by $1 and dedicate those new funds to cancer research.
You will not see this proposition splitting down party lines. It is not a divisive issue among partisan groups. You are either FOR or AGAINST Big Tobacco.
*smoking ban cite from wikipedia
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