Sunday, May 6, 2012


Over the weekend my daughters and I went to the library. We checked out Imogene's Last Stand. It is one of the best books I have ever read to them. The text and illustrations show how strong one person can be (no matter the age) in creating change. If you are looking for a book to encourage a smart, courageous and confident daughter (or son), get it. I guarantee you will feel the same.

If you do not normally like opening your mouth about politics, think again about Yes on 29. Unless you back Big Tobacco, there is nothing but good that can come from it. I encourage you to simply make a statement through email, wearing a t-shirt, updating a Facebook status, blogging, pinning, tweeting, or instagram that you will be voting Yes on Prop 29. For a healthier state.

This is not an issue split down party lines. It is a health initiative and a way to stand up to Big Tobacco.

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